Deploy application on the server
Add a application secret to the project. You can do it by adding a property in the application.conf
Open the host filter privilege to allow alternative host access by adding a property in the application.conf
This command allow access from any host name:
play.filters.hosts { allowed = ["."] }
Add the sbt-native-packager plugin to the project. You can do it by adding a single line of code to the plugins.sbt file.
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "1.2.0")
Add the following line of code to the build.sbt file as well:
Run the following command in the root directory of the project
sbt stage
This command generates a new folder in your project directory: target/universal/stage/
There are two folders in the stage directory: bin and lib. The first one contains launchers (Linux/Mac/Windows). The second one contains all dependencies and a JAR with the application classes.
The content of the stage directory can be moved to your server and launched there by executing the following command in the console:
./bin/app-name -Dplay.http.secret.key='changeme'
Notice that this command must be run from the stage folder. By the way, app-name may vary. It depends on the project name (package name) that you specified in the build.sbt file.
If an alternative http port is required for the server, the command should include the port assignment part.
./bin/app-name -Dhttp.port=port_required -Dplay.http.secret.key='changeme'
Application process can be run as daemon.
nohup ./bin/app-name -Dhttp.port=port_required -Dplay.http.secret.key='changeme' &